1. Ketulenan
Hadir dengan idea baru.
Memperolehi sesuatu dengan cara yang tersendiri.
Golongan ini merupakan yang paling jujur dan boleh mempelajari dengan baik teknik diplomasi.
Mereka suka mengambil inisiatif dan suka menjadi yang terbaik dan kebiasannya adalah pemimpin atau boss.
Bekerja sendiri merupakan pilihan terbaik mereka.
2. Pendamai
Dilahirkan sebagai diplomat.
Mereka selalu memikirkan dan peka terhadap keperluan dan perasaan orang lain sebelum mengambil kira dirinya sendiri.
Secara semulajadi sangat analitikal dan suka mengikut gerak hati.
Mereka tidak suka bersendirian. Persahabatan adalah penting buat mereka dan berupaya mendorong mereka untuk berjaya di dalam hidup, tetapi mereka sanggup untuk bersendirian jika hubungan yang terjalin itu tidak serasi.
Golongan ini secara semulajadi adalah pemalu, mereka patut belajar untuk meningkatkan nilai kendiri (self esteem) dan meluahkan perasaan secara terbuka tanpa berselindung.
3. Ceria
Golongan ini merupakan golongan yang idealistik.
Mereka sangat kreatif, sosial, mesra, romantik dan mudah dibawa berunding.
Mereka suka memulakan sesuatu tetapi jarang dapat menghabiskannya.
Mereka suka orang lain gembira dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mencapainya. Mereka sangat popular dan idealistik.
Golongan ini perlu belajar untuk melihat sesuatu dengan lebih realistik.
4. Konsevatif
Golongan ini sangat peka dan tradisional.
Mereka sukakan arahan dan sesuatu yang rutin.
Mereka hanya akan bertindak apabila faham sepenuhnya tentang apa yang sepatutnya mereka lakukan.
Mereka suka bekerja keras dan sanggup melakukan sesuatu kerja secara sendirian. Mereka mudah tertarik dengan aktiviti luar dan merasai pertalian dengan alam sekitar. Mereka berupaya untuk bersabar, tekun dan adakala dianggap degil.
Mereka harus belajar untuk lebih feksibel dan bersikap lebih baik terhadap diri sendiri.
5. Perintis
Mereka adalah perintis.
Secara semulajadi mereka mempunyai sikap ingin tahu dan suka mengambil risiko serta sangat bersemangat (enthusiasm).
Mereka perlukan kepelbagaian dan tidak suka disekat. Dunia ini adalah sekolah mereka, mereka memerhatikan setiap peluang untuk mempelajari sesuatu daripada setiap situasi yang ditempuhi. Persoalan yang bermain difikiran mereka tidak pernah terhenti.
Golongan ini dinasihatkan untuk melihat sesuatu dengan teliti dan mendapat semua fakta yang diperlukan sebelum membuat sesuatu kesimpulan.
6. Romantik
Golongan ini adalah idealistik dan memerlukan sesuatu sebab untuk berasa gembira. Hubungan kekeluarga yang kuat adalah penting buat mereka. Perasaan mereka mempengaruhi keputusan mereka. - Mereka sangat suka untuk membantu dan menjaga seseorang.
Mereka sangat setia dan boleh menjadi guru yang terbaik.
Mereka suka seni musik.
Mereka menjadi teman yang setia kepada sesiapa yang menjalin persahabatan secara serius.
Golongan ini harus belajar apakah yang boleh diubah dan apakah yang tidak boleh diubahnya.
7. Intelektual
Golongan ini adalah Pencari.
Selalu menyelesaikan sesuatu yang tersembunyi,dan mereka sukar untuk menerima sesuatu perkara dengan mudah.
Perasaan mereka tidak mempengaruhi keputusan mereka.
Mereka suka mempersoalkan apa yang ada disekeliling mereka tetapi mereka tidak suka dipersoalkan.
Mereka kerap dikenali sebagai ahli falsafah dan sangat berpengetahuan dan kadangkala bersendirian.
Mereka gemarkan perkara yang berteknikal dan berkebolehan untuk menjadi penyelidik yang baik dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara.
Mereka sangat suka berahsia.
Golongan ini hidup dalam dunia mereka tersendiri dan mereka perlu belajar untuk menerima kenyataan dunia sebenar.
8. Penyelesaian
Golongan ini adalah penyelesaian masalah.
Mereka adalah profesional, berterus terang, penilai yang baik dan sangat tegas.
Mereka selalu mempunyai perancangan yang hebat dan suka hidup dalam suasana kehidupan yang terbaik.
Mereka sangat suka mengendalikan manusia. Mereka melihat manusia secara objektif. Mereka akan memberitahu seseorang dengan cara mereka tersendiri bahawa mereka adalah ketua.
Golongan ini perlu belajar untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan keperluan sendiri daripada mengikut keperluan orang lain.
9. Pelakon
Golongan ini mempunyai kebolehan untuk menghiburkan orang lain.
Mereka sangat penyayang dan pemurah.
Dengan daya tarikan yang ada, mereka tidak mempunyai masalah untuk berkawan dengan sesiapa jua dan pada mereka tiada sesiapapun yang dianggap asing kepada mereka.
Mereka mempunyai personaliti yang pelbagai sehingga menyukarkan orang sekeliling mereka untuk memahami mereka.
Mereka umpama binatang sumpah-sumpah yang boleh berubah dan menyesuaikan diri mengikut persekitaran.
Mereka mempunyai nasib yang sangat baik tetapi juga boleh menderita akibat terlalu bergantung kepada nasib dan perasaan (mood). Untuk berjaya golongan ini perlu membina landasan kasih sayang.
some of the things are true.75%.its crazy.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Monday, May 23, 2011
drama xsudah
im in my holidays.its been upside down.i sleep in d morning and wake up at nite..bored to death!!luckily i'll be going on for some training next month.hopefully i'll gain some experience there.
what can i say here today?pretty much if u c that im writing its because i dont quite feel right about myself.im at the T junction.a crossroad on whether to proceed or to back out.im tired of these half-feelings.i need certainty and i dont feel im getting it.probably coz i demand too much or maybe its just because i dont feel that much.life is a very interesting playground.never short of drama,actions and upsets.lets just see what is there in stored for me later on.
daym i need to get this fats off my belly!!!!!
what can i say here today?pretty much if u c that im writing its because i dont quite feel right about myself.im at the T junction.a crossroad on whether to proceed or to back out.im tired of these half-feelings.i need certainty and i dont feel im getting it.probably coz i demand too much or maybe its just because i dont feel that much.life is a very interesting playground.never short of drama,actions and upsets.lets just see what is there in stored for me later on.
daym i need to get this fats off my belly!!!!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
officially the worst day as a student
it all began last Wednesday nite.after i received the cd of the filming for the opening gimmick, i started doing my editing work.i started at about 7pm and roughly finished editing at about 1am.after editing, i rendered the video that normally took up only about an hour tops, but it took a lot longer that nite.it took about 12 longgg hours to render the video.so i didnt managed to sleep at all because i need the video to be ready by 1130 the next morning.it sisnt work out in time, the video cpuld not be rendered in time for the presentation so i had to ask for an extension for the preview.i managed to get an extention,lucky but i was so tired by then already.
later that day i went to darul ehsan medical centre with my fellow classmates to cancel an event with DEMC.then we went to HEP to book for equipments for another event.then we went to hotel UITM to gather more information for the event.after that i went back home, took a quick bath and went straight to my 6pm class.
i was severely stab in the heart multiple times as i question why these things happen to me on this day. i was humiliated in front of the class numerous times within that longg 3 hours class.i was completely broken into pieces,my moral was crush and i was by the end of the class,DESTROYED.the lecturer hated me, and he was strong in his words to me.i feel as though i am nothing,a complete trash in front of his eyes.i wish he had showed a little bit of compassion instead of being abusive.show a little sense of encouragement instead of ridicule. i came up to him after the class to apologize for my wrong doings, and he further molest me with his abusive words.my moral was down to zero.never have i been made ashame of myself this way,never have i been brought down like this.never ever. i felt like punching,like kicking,like swearing..all emotions i have inside was about to burst and i let it all out on a piece of board.whamm!! i felt relieved for a moment.then out of sudden,tears running down my face.breaking down point, a critical point where i felt that never have i been embarrass this way.been made a fool.how i wish he showed a little respect, or out of humility, show a little bit of class.i hope god will show him a little sign of humility,show him that he is not god and that we humans make mistakes.i hope god will show him something.that arrogance,that selfless ridiculing,that abusive words..i hope god will show him.
later that day i went to darul ehsan medical centre with my fellow classmates to cancel an event with DEMC.then we went to HEP to book for equipments for another event.then we went to hotel UITM to gather more information for the event.after that i went back home, took a quick bath and went straight to my 6pm class.
i was severely stab in the heart multiple times as i question why these things happen to me on this day. i was humiliated in front of the class numerous times within that longg 3 hours class.i was completely broken into pieces,my moral was crush and i was by the end of the class,DESTROYED.the lecturer hated me, and he was strong in his words to me.i feel as though i am nothing,a complete trash in front of his eyes.i wish he had showed a little bit of compassion instead of being abusive.show a little sense of encouragement instead of ridicule. i came up to him after the class to apologize for my wrong doings, and he further molest me with his abusive words.my moral was down to zero.never have i been made ashame of myself this way,never have i been brought down like this.never ever. i felt like punching,like kicking,like swearing..all emotions i have inside was about to burst and i let it all out on a piece of board.whamm!! i felt relieved for a moment.then out of sudden,tears running down my face.breaking down point, a critical point where i felt that never have i been embarrass this way.been made a fool.how i wish he showed a little respect, or out of humility, show a little bit of class.i hope god will show him a little sign of humility,show him that he is not god and that we humans make mistakes.i hope god will show him something.that arrogance,that selfless ridiculing,that abusive words..i hope god will show him.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
cruelty is no faulty
u might probably see some sappy entries in the nearest future.as i have always did, writing my way out of sorrows.
for some people,they like to twist things to the other side making it look like its your fault when in actual fact,it was not.i am a very reasonable guy with a very flexible mind.i feel like i'm a very understanding person when it comes to relationships.the idea is to put your partner ahead of you.by showing that u are devoted to making the best of things for your partner.i have always tried to give my best in relationship, though in studies i couldn't say i did the same thing. its probably because of my nature that treasures the experience more than the knowledge spoon fed to us.to me, it felt real and no one can take your experience away from you.it is truly yours.
about the title, what i want to say here is the idea of making cruelty ok. in context, cruelty that im talking about here is about cruelty towards partners or lovers if i may say.in the past i may have done something bad that made me the way i am to day.i am at the receiving end of what i call cruelty is no faulty.i feel i have been hard done by, i feel i have been in some way been made a joke.as though its alrite to hurt the feelings that u call your love.
i have always entered a relationship with honesty,genuine feeling for the person, and truthful.but its probably god's way of making me understand that sometimes,even how hard you try to make things work, it was never meant to be. 'redha' is the term that i need to digest.'takdir' is what i need to believe in.i don't think i should complain much about why i feel i've been mistreated.but it is always sad when u give your best shot and came out empty handed.
as this journey hit a bumpy road, i don't know how it would end.maybe i just need to keep swimming until i see the shore, even all i see is water.
for some people,they like to twist things to the other side making it look like its your fault when in actual fact,it was not.i am a very reasonable guy with a very flexible mind.i feel like i'm a very understanding person when it comes to relationships.the idea is to put your partner ahead of you.by showing that u are devoted to making the best of things for your partner.i have always tried to give my best in relationship, though in studies i couldn't say i did the same thing. its probably because of my nature that treasures the experience more than the knowledge spoon fed to us.to me, it felt real and no one can take your experience away from you.it is truly yours.
about the title, what i want to say here is the idea of making cruelty ok. in context, cruelty that im talking about here is about cruelty towards partners or lovers if i may say.in the past i may have done something bad that made me the way i am to day.i am at the receiving end of what i call cruelty is no faulty.i feel i have been hard done by, i feel i have been in some way been made a joke.as though its alrite to hurt the feelings that u call your love.
i have always entered a relationship with honesty,genuine feeling for the person, and truthful.but its probably god's way of making me understand that sometimes,even how hard you try to make things work, it was never meant to be. 'redha' is the term that i need to digest.'takdir' is what i need to believe in.i don't think i should complain much about why i feel i've been mistreated.but it is always sad when u give your best shot and came out empty handed.
as this journey hit a bumpy road, i don't know how it would end.maybe i just need to keep swimming until i see the shore, even all i see is water.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
i don't respond well to lies.
it struck me today that i actually had a big issue addressing this one particular characteristic called lie. Being a P.R student with the ambition of having a successful career in the communication industry, i find that i need to be able to withstand the deception and lies in the working field.i need to be prepared to handle working politic stress with intelligence and patience. falling under the zodiac of Leo who is drawn more towards his emotions,ego and stubbornness,it will definitely won't help my cause.
So i need to step up the game and make step by step changes that i see will be beneficial to help me achieve my goals.
with the coming of my birthday, it must be said that i haven't lived up to my own expectation.i demand less of myself and prefer to be in a state of mind where i called "the hippieland". a place where u don't bother to impress anyone including urself, a place where u live ur life as unproductive as u want, a place u called ur comfort zone. many fall backs in life has thought me to actually be tough, but i choose to rather be a nobody. i don't take good enough responsibility of myself as a son, and as a student.
at the coming of this age i hope to be different in the sense that i will drive myself for the better. to be more responsible for myself, and to have the desire to capture my goals and make myself proud.well this entry has deviate quite far from the title but it has somehow educate me effortlessly without me even realizing it.thats all for now, c u when im in the blues..
So i need to step up the game and make step by step changes that i see will be beneficial to help me achieve my goals.
with the coming of my birthday, it must be said that i haven't lived up to my own expectation.i demand less of myself and prefer to be in a state of mind where i called "the hippieland". a place where u don't bother to impress anyone including urself, a place where u live ur life as unproductive as u want, a place u called ur comfort zone. many fall backs in life has thought me to actually be tough, but i choose to rather be a nobody. i don't take good enough responsibility of myself as a son, and as a student.
at the coming of this age i hope to be different in the sense that i will drive myself for the better. to be more responsible for myself, and to have the desire to capture my goals and make myself proud.well this entry has deviate quite far from the title but it has somehow educate me effortlessly without me even realizing it.thats all for now, c u when im in the blues..
Thursday, May 20, 2010
cloudy skies.
a few days back i had found out that one of my exes had recently underwent an operation.it was quite a shocker to me and i felt sad and sorry for what had happened.things happens for a reason and most definitely god has better plans for her.my prayers are with her and family.
Monday, April 26, 2010
ive been thinking..hmm.i need to figure out things to write here.kesian blog usang ni.dah jarang update.im thinking of writing about food.mane la tau kot2 bole jadi food critic ke kan..haha! or maybe on holidays i should do a project,pick up a topic and write about it.interesting..hmm.
ive got a paper tommorow and yup, ive not read a single word from the text book.this is me being adly.hehehehehehehehehe!!!!its early in the morning and i just cant sleep just yet.so xdak keja,kta merapu la skett.
i miss singing with the boys la.paan,ajea,amar and iwan.lame siot xjam..rinduu harmonizing syiaall..this holidays need to get the boys together for a jamming session.musti musti!
i realize that the environment has change a bit this year.since most of my school frens are married or trying to get married,ktorg da jarang jarang lepak sekali.suddenly out of sudden!*ayat yg berulang disitu* flash back from the past..zzzzzzz!!!teringat aku zaman pak lebai dulu.zaman skola2,zaman g masjid,zaman ronda2 naik moto,zaman kedet,zaman nasyid..crazy!i was a nerdy back then.even so,i had good frens..still are my good frens.
speaking of one,my buddie 'klate' namenye, akan bernikah bulan 6 ni.haishh..happy for him,sedih for the kaki lepak group.abes la tinggal me,bob,and ikram je la.dulu ramai2,sorg2 kene cantas.abehh mappuuuhh~!! phases in life,just have to deal with it.
i think i better stop now.my writings are beginning to become weirder as i keep on typing.so,till then,takecare people..
oh!!! if u have suggestions on what i could probably write,please drop a comment or 2.. :)
ive got a paper tommorow and yup, ive not read a single word from the text book.this is me being adly.hehehehehehehehehe!!!!its early in the morning and i just cant sleep just yet.so xdak keja,kta merapu la skett.
i miss singing with the boys la.paan,ajea,amar and iwan.lame siot xjam..rinduu harmonizing syiaall..this holidays need to get the boys together for a jamming session.musti musti!
i realize that the environment has change a bit this year.since most of my school frens are married or trying to get married,ktorg da jarang jarang lepak sekali.suddenly out of sudden!*ayat yg berulang disitu* flash back from the past..zzzzzzz!!!teringat aku zaman pak lebai dulu.zaman skola2,zaman g masjid,zaman ronda2 naik moto,zaman kedet,zaman nasyid..crazy!i was a nerdy back then.even so,i had good frens..still are my good frens.
speaking of one,my buddie 'klate' namenye, akan bernikah bulan 6 ni.haishh..happy for him,sedih for the kaki lepak group.abes la tinggal me,bob,and ikram je la.dulu ramai2,sorg2 kene cantas.abehh mappuuuhh~!! phases in life,just have to deal with it.
i think i better stop now.my writings are beginning to become weirder as i keep on typing.so,till then,takecare people..
oh!!! if u have suggestions on what i could probably write,please drop a comment or 2.. :)
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