Friday, January 4, 2008


i dreamt of u again.warm tears falling down my face.let me tell u how the dream goes..

it was just after our 4th year anniversary..after i made u the card and the teady bear i gave u..the 1st and last teady bear i ever gave u.we were fighting..we were always arguing.but in front of other people eyes,we were so gud together.but in our very heart,we keep on hurting each other.and i finally came to a stand,where i thought drastic measures should be taken to ensure my life ends up with u.i had a fling with a girl.with no attraction what so ever,but just to give u a point to hate me and to set me free..u took it hard this time around.very very hard.and i,tried my very best for the first time to ignore ur love,ur true love from ruining my plans that i hoped so much wud work.i kept the thoughts to myself..i need to be bold,i need to do this rite..i wana marry u,i wana make u my wife..but in order for me to get there,i need to let u go and find myself.i need to be the one that wud make u proud,the one that make u smile every morning u wake up,the one that u have no regrets spending ur life with..i need to let u go.

i kept that thought in mind,holding a brick wall in my head to stop u from breaking in.i was ruthless,i was damn harsh,i was too confident that this plan of mine would work.i came home for the brother messaged me that u were at my place since evening..and i only came home about 10pm.i was determined,i was angered by your plans of surprises.u hid behind the curtains to surprise me when i entered the house.i saw u but when u jumped in front of me,i pretend that u were nothing..but in my heart at that moment,"ur cute and u are the most important thing to me".i put on a tired face and trying hard to ignore ur acts..u smiled at me even tho u were aching every part inside.."u made me feel like its worth every moment being alive"..but i just put a dull face.trying hard to act as tho i dont care about u,as tho i have moved on..but the fact that i kept my love in heart,so that u wudnt see that u know this time i mean serious.u were like an angel to me that nite,u set the table nicely for me to eat,u sat beside me,talking very politely,smiling at me when im eating my dinner.."i cudnt eat,im crying inside for u are just perfect for me" i told myself..u kept smiling..u cleaned the table and u washed the dishes.i went to the kitchen to see u,i saw ur beautiful eyes were watery.ur loving caring eyes that showed me its enuf just to haf u n me in this world were red.i saw innocent tears dripping down ur face,i saw u wept,i made u wept,i saw u wept...and it made me weak to my knees..u were still smiling at me while doing the dishes.i hold on my tears and ask god why am i doing this to the love of my life??how cud i!!..u sat with me in my room,in front of the computer while smoking,i pretend that there was nothing to discuss.the decision is final.u were next to me holding my hands,and caressing my hair,and i saw u crying..u were crying like i have never ever seen u cried makes me so weak and torn apart..till today.u were begging me not to end this love.u said to me that we can still work things out and that u will change.we can change.i kept giving u excuses..u hugged me and kissed me and all i do is acted all dumb..heartless.cold.when u went down on ur knees and begged me,i said to myself,"what have i gotten myself into??such an angel,how cud i allow u do that n i do nothing?"..i felt so cruel and hated the situation..i was determined to see u off.u cried and cried and i still remember till this morning,ur face,ur pretty little face.i sent u back the car we talked and u still crying..u kept on crying and i began to lose my faith in what i wanted to do for us..i finally cried..cried because i told u that i need to adjust myself and make my parents proud of me..i told u i need to be somebody for the family..but the fact is i cried for what i've seen u've done for me that nite and the past 4 years we've been together..cried for the way u looked at me with those glassy eyes that ive been kissing with all the love in my heart,cried for that sweet smile of urs that brought me to u at the first place,cried for the way u talked when u were crying,when ur voice got stuck in ur cries,cried for ur every efforts..thats what actually made me cried..i knew it was a big gamble,but i tot it wud turn out my way.i was such a fool to let u do all that and acted so cold in front of u..u deserve better than that..i knew that..but i was such a fool that i've gone mad.after i sent u back,i cried all the way home.thinking about u,having flash backs,thinking about how i was cruel to u,thinking of how uve been gud to me,thinking of the gud times,the bad times..

and here i am,early in the morning,a year after it all happened,still thinking about u and how i got my plans all wrong..if only i didnt think too much,if only the plan was a dream.unfortunately.tears for u..


Anonymous said...

as i read this sincere blog, honestly, i'm almost cried~
u have to live the consequences of your decision, and live in a good way, for me, that's the crucial part to be a Man~
chill bro~ don't let the past keep haunting u as if there's no bright future ahead you~
gua mungkin bukan kwn baik lu, tp gua m'harapkan yg terbaik utk lu, & kwn² kita~
be tough~


Anonymous said...

boys and men usually need a time like this to realize dat they need da gurl...
its tough and its rough but at the same time its life learning isnt it??
never give up on love u can never forget,love u call true n pure n love u will die for...but at da same time neva let da situation ruin ure other life...
~*its not easy to understand people at the same time wanting people to understand u*
*its not easy to love people at the same time wanting other people to lov u*
*its not easy to treasure life at the same time not wanting to die*
*its not easy to be alone at the same time never need anyone to be by side*~
take care dude!

Anonymous said...

Salam bro.

Been there done that.

Apa-apa aku boleh tolong just contact aku. Email ke, frenster ke.

Kita pernah bergumbira dalam G***R masa kat PJ dulu.

Contact aku weh.

Anonymous said...

dude, sorry about your story man.. aku rasa aku boleh relate dengan apa yg ko cuba sampaikan..ko kena paham gak, mungkin semua yag jadi adalah pengajaran atas apa yang ko buat kat dia sepanjang hubungan korang.. ko dok luah perasaan ko kat sini, aku pun nak tahu gak apa perasaan ex-girl ko..kira tak aci la kan kalau orang dgr side ko je? mana tau cerita ko sbenarnya ada tokok tambah? aku tak tau ar keaslian citer ko ni tapi bagi aku lagi adil kalau orang tahu side dia punya ceita..
tapi pape pun, ceita dlm selimut ke apa yg ko dah buat kat dia ato apa yg korang buat together-gether tak perlu ko cite kat sme orang.. satu dunia bleh baca blog ko nih.. kalo aku, aku kesian kat ex-girl ko tu.. orang bleh anggap dia macam-macam la ni.. ko mana tau, ntah-ntah dia ada hati kat ko lagi tak? orang bercinta kawin semua cerai berai.. toksah kata bercinta setahun, yang 10 tahun bercinta pun belum tau kawin lagi tau..
apa kata ko gi masuk minang dia je? mana tau dia terima ke?
aku bagi nasihat je bro.. boleh plak jumpa benda ni masa google..

Anonymous said...

mmg aku tau bende yg jadi ni berfaktor kepada ape yg aku buat dkt die.mmg pengajaran pada aku sbb aku nih bengong..hehe.aku admit mmg dlm relationship aku dulu aku ade salah..byk salah aku..byk sgt salah aku.dan bukan aku tulis blog ini utk portray diri aku sebagai angel.aku adalah aku. dlm entry nih aku nak highlightkan yg aku sebenarnye xsedardiuntung..itu maksud aku..xde niat aku nak memalukan ex aku tuh..syg kat die..happy utk nih aku buat utk aku lepas emo..dan mungkin dlm tulisan2 aku nih aku ade menghighlightkan bende2 yg xpatut atau pon unfair utk individu2 tertentu..aku pohon maaf..aku mmg lurus,what u see is what u get.xdinafikan,org diatas aku jelas xknal aku jadi aku faham kenape die ckp centu..mungkin die rase tulisan aku prejudis ataupon judgemental.aku faham sbb die xknal aku.tapi pada yg knal aku,korg tau aku camne.aku bukan nak suruh korg pick side.bukan jugak mintak simpati walaupon blog aku hanye memaparkan kisah2 sedih.sumpah x..xde niat..dan aku juga bkn nak korg membenci mane2 pihak.aku cume menulis sekadar pengubat rindu..penawar sedih.i talk from the me what u want,say what u want,but i've been blessed with loads of understanding frens,and im very thankful for that..and let me say sorry once more for those ive hurt in writing this blog..*just cant keep things to myself*

ohh dan aku appreciate kepada mereka yg singgah kt blog bangang ni..tapi harapan aku,kalau bole,jgn la anonymous..kite berkwn la..xsalah berkenalan..mungkin salah aku tu korg bole betolkan..mungkin aku bole blaja dari korg dlm memperbetolkan diri ini..aku xperfect..and im not going to judge u.thank u.

Ell Mohd said...

hmmm...i guess ure blog is getting more interesting hah?...
well,i'm here to make frens with u as u said...jgnla anonymous...true true...wont be anonymous nimore...and mine is the second anonymous msg...
and...i know u adli...u r my highskool senior...and i kinda like know who u r...and so yeah,its not fair to read one side of the story but it is lebih not fair to judge people u dont even know...
its his blog...there's a lot of different reasons y people ceated blog in the first place...
and i think if u decided to read the blog,that means u r clear with adli's motive of creating this blog...take it or leave it la...
biasala...kita manusia normal...tak emo tak real la...
oh by the way...jgn salah faham,i'm not taking anyone side...
take care**

Anonymous said...

you had friendster and myspace before right?
and so did she..
mostly everyone knows who you are and who she was (you even mentioned her name in previous post)
korang perfect couple envied by a lot..
for the record,
it doesn't mean that you know somebody's inside out just because you went to school with him or you read his writings.
i don't know adly in person but i do go visit the azuadly page a lot since years ago.

addlee said...

its very nice of u to say..i didnt know that..well atleast i didnt think of it that way before.yup maybe sum may sorry for being too open here.i need to get it out of my system..i think everythings out maybe there wont be anymore post about my past.its funny u mentioned the nickname..i almost forgot about it..well maybe its not my happy ending just yet.hopefully there will be one for me later in life..smilee!!

Anonymous said...

dear..i can relate to ur writings...seriously. maybe our journey o lovelyfe almost e advice to u ...juz b strong...u ave to take e gud with e bad. When u feel that life is not worth living, stop and look around u..appreciate what u got. u'll find love & hope in places u least expect it to be..
If u ever need a hand, just shout out loud.Don't let ur sorrows drowns times like this u find wat it means to be alive..never regret.

life is too short to b unhappy...
so always appreciate ur lyfe...learn from ur mistakes k...

Anonymous said...

i didnt know u had it in you. this is such an honest and sincere post. i was there. i listened to her side of the story and yours(now) and it fits. but yes. sometimes things dont go the way we planned it. and somethings are meant not to be planned. kan?
p/s: rindu please :)

twinklelady said...

ingtkan perempuan je ada masalah macam nie...hmmm rupanya smua sama jer..selalu perempuan yang mengalaminya. Haih. Alagkah untungnya kalau semua lelaki ni macam kau adly... :)

Anonymous said...

Smile bro!